Tuesday, May 19, 2009

As it turns out, the Squidolin seems to have been pretty popular among the design blogs, it's everywhere and in many languages... thanks first to Notcot.com, and last night to YankoDesign.com which featured me on the main page... thanks guys/gals!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I'm glad that people seem to be responding positively to the Squidolin.  It reassures me that it will sell when it's fully functional.  Thanks to Notcot for their publicity!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Updated work + blog submissions

Finally updated my website's work.  I also began to submitted to blogs and digg.  Here is the address so you can click "Digg it" Squidolin on Digg

Website Update...

I just finished doing an update on www.crmendez.com. Among the changes are 5 beauty shots per product using Lightbox javascript.  Hope you enjoy it. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Squidolin pictures!

Yesterday I took some pictures of my new violin... The Squidolín!  I drove around burbank and pasadena to get the right shots.  Hopefully you like.  The images and project will be posted on my website CRMENDEZ.COM soon!

Marlon Mendez is now taking calls for modeling. :)